We recommend a general cleaning of the interior of the receiver body immediately after each shooting session. The cleaner you keep it, the better it will perform.
After a handful of shooting session, we also recommend you break the bolt down to firing pin assembly, bolt head and bolt body for cleaning.
Use some light gun oil for inside the bolt body, where the firing pin assembly is. You can also drop a few drops into the end that will seep inside the bolt body and assembly. A thicker oil on the outside of the bolt is sufficient. Grease will also work, but keep in mind that dust will stick to the grease and colder weather will affect the viscosity (thickness of the grease) and by extension the cycling of the bolt.
Click here to see the Pristine Bolt Disassembly Video
Caution: We don’t recommend taking your full firing pin assembly apart as reassembly of the firing pin spring components may require some special tools.